Is the NSA a Terror Organization?
an article I wrote for BeforeItsNews that is getting lots of comments and lots of PASSION,
Come join in the conversation and be sure to COMMENT, OH there is plenty of Opinions there...
Text of article:
Is NSA a Terror organization that should be tried in the HAGUE?
Snowden is a Hero, NSA can be equated to Political Islam, which is finished!
This is exactly how they did it in SYRIA 1971…
1st they created Dossiers about everyone then begun to use the SECRET “Mukhabarat” files to hurt everyone in the country. S
(in my opinion of course, everything here)
Why is it we are chasing a guy who leaked the crime instead of the CRIMINALS who spy on us at the NSA,
I believe “anyone involved with NSA is implicate-able”.
Now I believe they are criminals because:
1- NSA is interfering with Commerce in a huge way
2- Such interference is crossing state lines & country borders making it an International Crime
3- International CRIMES should be tried at the HAGUE, all of NSA should be tried at the HAGUE for crimes against COMMERCE worldwide.
4- For the “COWARDS” who read this & disagree because they choose to give up everything including privacy and freedom for this FAKE protection the NSA offers.
5- I’ve been calling for ALL records to be made public, IF THEY GOT NOTHING TO HIDE … what are they waiting until the people throw them out physically?
6- If NSA committed crimes (it will be on the tapes and records) and if so I call for their trial to be at the HAGUE…
I am proud USA citizen and I sure won’t watch what happened in SYRIA repeat itself here in USA and remain silent nor should you…
We were ALL created equal under our constitution, NSA is putting itself above us and above the lawNSA = Political Islam, Political Islam was crushed yesterday, they and anyone oppressing other or taking advantage of others will be treated like “POLITICAL ISLAM”.
If I was the head of NSA I’d stop acting Like MORSI 24 hours before he was deposed, and come clean with all records available to everyone, Imagine how good for commerce to expose all the double dealing and cheating
This how we “can instantly fix all that ails AMERICA & the world! You IN? Shining a flashlight to reveal the truth!
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